DD Standard Test Automation Tool

The requirements for submitting an DD for registration are described in FieldComm Group support.

The DD Standard Test Automation Tool (DD-STAT) is a comprehensive test automation tool which assists members of FieldComm Group with the process of registering HART DD projects.

Key features

  • Collection It assists users to correctly assemble required source code and documentation for the submission.

  • Evaluation It examines DD source code and tokenizer outputs, comparing them to the requirements of the DD test specification.

  • Reporting It places the results of the examination into a test report template simplifying the reporting process.

  • Submission It bundles the information that is required for registration and copies it to FieldComm Group servers.

DD-STAT tests fall into three categories:

  • Automated tests evaluate DD source code and other artifacts

  • Tokenizer tests inspect specific outputs from the tokenizers

  • Manual tests rely on a test engineer to inspect the code base and provide a conclusion

The tool is configured as an extension to the Visual Studio Code ( VSCode ) editor in two pieces:

  • A command line interface that could be run from a Windows terminal or in a DevOps pipeline.

  • A user interface window that runs inside the VSCode IDE, which eases user interaction with the tool.

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