Preparing a Submission Folder
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The Submission Folder is central to the operation of the DD-STAT application. Device registration with FCG requires extensive information including:
Source code for the DD
Source code for the prior version of this DD (revisions only)
Log files from the HART Test System (HTS)
Other documents
The specifics of this are covered in the FieldComm Group guidance document ____________________.
It is necessary for the information to be provided in a uniform way so that automated evaluation of it is possible. The contents of this folder are shown below:
The DD-STAT automation operates from the root of this folder structure. Prior to every operation it examines its current working directory and will terminate if it is not running from a properly structured submission folder.
There are three files in the structure specific to the automation, not covered in the guidance document mentioned above. You must configure these files as described below for the automation to run. These are:
Test report document
The automation ships with a test report template:
This template contains document sections, summary tables and boilerplate text consistent with the specification.
Note that the automation is sensitive to the format and content of this template. Especially during the beta period, this template is subject to change. The version number of the document is checked against the current version expected by the automation. A warning is produced if the version of the document is earlier than expected.
The DD-STAT automation interoperates with the test engineer to produce a full text report in the following ways:
Boilerplate text and document structure in the template follow the requirements of the test specification.
The automation will insert tokenizer outputs and other relevant automation output directly into the report document in specific sub-sections.
Test engineers can insert explanations, and screen captures to support the test report.
The automation can be run multiple times, with its output inserted into the report again and again without overwriting the information input directly by the test engineer.
To accomplish this, the test report template includes a custom Word document style called “TFPNotes”. Any text in the document that has this style will be overwritten by the automation when the report function runs. The style is characterized by a black line box around the text.
The automation will also insert Pass/Fail/Skipped notations into the test summary table in each section of the document.
Any text in the second column of these tables may be overwritten by automation. However, the result of manual test cases is not overridden. It is intended that the test engineer fill out these values.
This file contains information important to the test campaign that is not easily or reliably obtained directly from the DD source code.
The initial release does not include User Interface to edit this information, it is edited manually by the user.
Each editable field has instructions and comments around it that will guide you to place the correct value there.
General instructions are:
The fields initially contain the value ‘unknown’ or an invalid value. The automation will flag these as errors until you fill them with valid values.
True/false parameters start with ‘Is’: ‘IsSupportedInDevice’ for example. Replace ‘unknown’ with a value of ’true’ or ‘false’ with no capitalization.
The numeric fields are integers.
If the field contains an enumerated value, the allowable values will be provided in a comment.
This file provides optional locations for the various parts of the submission. The values provided in the supplied file fit the requirements for the submission folder structure.
Do not edit this file.